Normal human body has 114 chakras and out of that, there are 7 major Chakras which facilitate the functioning of rest of them. All of them are non physiological in nature, yet with their own characteristics and energy pattern.
Balancing these 7 chakras with proper guidance and methods helps individuals to unlock further progress spiritually.
There is always a start point for meditation ,however there is no end point , hence Infinity or Ananta!
The major 7 chakras ( all are located in your spinal column) :
Muladhara ( Foundation ) - This is always the first chakra to start with as it is the store house of Prana. This is located at the perineum or the base of your spinal cord.
Swadhistana - This chakra is located an inch above the first one, just behind the private parts. At advanced stages, this Pleasure center transforms into creative center if managed and guided accordingly.
Manipura - This is located just behind your navel point and can be called as olfactory or "second brain". Manipura plays major role in controlling our any form of habits related to five elements. We majorly focus Cleansing of elements through Manipura.
Anahata - This is located behind your heart. Though the food get digested in the stomach, it is the heart which facilitates with distribution of nutrients and cleansing.
At advanced stages, the energy moves from Muladhara as first point and Anahata as second point.
( Third would be the seventh chakra, Ajna)
Vishudhi - This chakra is located behind the pit of your throat. ( Will cover most of it in live session, as this is most misunderstood chakra).
Ajna - this is the chakra between your eyebrows. Our focus remains mostly on this chakra through out most of the yogic methods. Our Intelligence is identified with this chakra.
Sahasrahara - This chakra is at the top of your head, where the hair usually forms a swirl. ( Will be covered in live session)
Though there are millions of articles and pictures available, the basic understanding has to come at individual level to experience them.
This course will cover every aspect of all the chakras including how Masculine and feminine energies play role in both aligning and misaligning themselves and the factors that causes them in our day to day life.