This course is for 11th standard CBSE students. This is an online course and students from all over the world, studing CBSE Mathematics and equivalent syllabus shall benefit from this course.
We cover the entire syllabus of Mathematics. This includes mock exams.
The teaching will be conducted by a competetent teacher with ample experience and genuine interest in the learning and progress of the students. So, donot miss this opportunity.
At the completion of the course, the student is ready for 11th final exams.
Each session consists of classroom teaching, intermingled and followed by doubt clearing. Then the students are encouraged to solve the problems themselves as we oversee each of them while they gain confidence in solving the problems.
Towards the end of the academic year, many weeks prior to the final exams, we will have ample opportunities to solve previous year papers as well as many sample papers. The answers will be evaluated to see the gaps in understanding and resolve the gaps so as to improve the students' confidence.