It is for anybody who want to learn C programming language from basics.
Course content:
- Introduction to C
- History of C
- Features of C
- Application areas of C
- Execution flow of C program
- Other translators
- Structure of C program with example
- Keywords
- Tokens
- Identifiers
- Constants
- Variables
- Data types
- Input and output functions
- Qualifiers
- Modifiers
- Escape sequences
- Arithmetic operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
- Increment & Decrement operators
- Conditional/ternary operator
- Bitwise operator
- Size of operator
- Comma operator
- Operators’ Precedence and associativity
- Expressions
- Evaluation of expressions
- While
- For
- Do.. While
- Goto Statement
- Break and Continue Statement
- Simple if
- if..else
- Nested if
- if..else ladder
- Switch..Case statement
- Math.h Library
- Introduction to arrays
- Types of arrays
- 1d array
- 2d array (matrix)
- strlen(str)
- strcpy(des_str, src_str)
- strcat(desc_str, src_str)
- strrev(str)
- strcmp(str1,str2)
- strlwr()
- strupr()
- Function types
- Built-in functions
- User-defined functions
- Recursive functions
- call by value and call by reference
- Recursion and its questions
- Storage classes
- User defined datatype
- Pointers
- malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()