C++ is a high-level general-purpose programming language created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language, or "C with Classes".
The latest version (C++20) has object-oriented, functional, and generic features in addition to low-level memory manipulation. The biggest advantage of C++ is that it is super scalable and allows developers to have a lot of control over how their applications use up resources.
In this course we will cover the following topics;
Introduction to C++, Data Types
Different types of Operators
Looping construct – different types
Array in - Single and Multidimensional
OOPS using C++, Class & Object examples
Class & Object- class members & their visibility
Defining member functions inside the class and outside the class
Constructor & Destructor- features, types, copy constructor, examples
Inheritance in C++ with examples
Single Multilevel Hierarchical Multiple
Containership in C++ with examples
Polymorphism in C++ with examples
Function Overloading
Operator overloading
Inline function, friend functions & friend class with example
File handling in C++ with examples
STL in C++ with examples