Offline class conducted in Nigdi perform since 10+ years
Get a Brand New Guitar free on lumpsum annual payment
1) you learn basic to intermediate instrument with theory and ear training so you play the songs not with hello off notes but just by listening to them
2) we open new possibilities for you by expanding your knowledge on different genres of music
3) highly experienced teacher (Mr Pranil) Founder of class for teaching you at Nigdi branch
4) achieve above average level of instrument playing with our Basic to Intermediate course
5) doing it for a hobby? Enroll for this course so you don't have to join the class again for just playing the songs
6) flexible timings and reschedules of classes missed from your side
7) chords and leads are the basic thing here you get to learn instrument with new and different ways so you don't remain a average player
8) play along with karaoke and backing tracks to sound like a pro
9) learn to read music in 3 different ways