If you don't know how to cook. You stay away from home for work and you hate to eat outside everyday. Then this 10 days cooking class is for you.
- A B C D of cooking
- Frying any veg item
- Frying any nonveg item
- Comfort food
- Curry gravy
- Nonveg curry
- Veg curry
- Full meal (how to manage 2 cooking at a time to save time)
- Chocolate ice cream (only theory)
- Khichdi
You can book a demo class and learn how to cook egg bhujiya. Or we can discuss things over call.
We'll design your class as you want. I mean u can choose classes once a week or weekend only.
I'll give you homework at the end of every class.
Now, you can invite your friends over and serve them something good and homemade. Just like mom's cooking taste.
You'll know all those small details about manage kitchen and store food.
Course fee : 6000