1.Introduction to Azure Databricks
2.Spark Architecture Basics
3.Read and Write Data in the Azure Databricks
4.Dataframes in Azure Databricks
What is DataFrame
Create DataFrames
Define Schema
Casting Operations
Filter Transformation
Update, Update ALL & UpdateByName
OrderBy & SortBY
Remove Duplicates
Window Functions
Date and Timestamp Functions
UDF (User Defined Function)
Handle corrupt records using the badRecordsPath
File metadata column
5. Databricks SQL
6. Read and Write Parquet File
Read and Write CSV Files
Read and Write JSON Files
Read and Write XML Files
Read and Write Excel file
Read and Write SQL databases using JDBC
Read and Write Azure blob storage
7.Platform Architecture of the Azure Databricks
8.Workflows and scheduling of workflows
9.Medallion Architecture
10.Delta Tables
AD Course Duration
Intermediate Level : 12 days ( covers Databrciks Architecture and Pyspark )
Expert Level :20 days (Databricks Architecture ,pyspark and Medallion architecture with delta tables )
One to One
Fee : Rs 1000 /hr per student
Intermediate level: 12000
Expert Level:20000
Fee : Rs 800 /hr per student
Intermediate level: 9600
Expert Level:16000