Hi There,
If you want to start your journey in Cloud, specifically in AWS. This is the course for you.
This course will give you insight on various AWS Services and clear your Cloud related concepts.
I will also provide you adequate Hands-on experience through AWS Console.
Being an AWS Cloud Operation Engineer, I will also share real life scenarios/examples so that you can relate whatever you are learning.
This course will give you enough confidence to crack interview or appear in the exam.
AWS Solution Architect Associate (Fundamental Course):
MODULE 0 - Introduction Class
MODULE 1 - Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
1. What is Cloud Cpomputing
2. What is Capex and Opex
3. Characteristics of Cloud Technologies
4. Little bit History about AWS
6. Certification details
7. Creatin AWS Free tier account.
MODULE 2 - IAM & AWS CLI [Duration - 1 hour]
1. IAM Introduction - User, Group, Polcies
2. IAM hands-on
3. IAM MFA overview & Hands-on
4. AWS Access Key & CLI setup (Using Linux machine and Windows)
5. AWS CLI Hands-on
6. IAM Roles & Hands-on
MODULE 3 - EC2 (Compute Instances) [Duration - 3 hours]
1. Understanding regions & Availability Zones (AZ)
2. Basics of EC2
3. Creating your First EC2 instance (Hands-on)
4. SSH to EC2 insance (Using Linux)
5. Discussion about EC2 instance type
6. What is User data and requirement of it.
7. Launch Template & AMI
8. Create EC2 instance with User data (Hands-on)
9. Security Group overview
10. Security group Hands-on
11. Private vs Public vs Elastic IP
12. EC2 KeyPairs
13. EC2 Instance purchasing option
14.a. Few important points for EC2
14.b. Stop vs Terminate and bill
14.c. Changing Instance Type
14.d. Termination Protection
14.e. Applying updated AMI
MODULE 4 - Load Balancer & Autoscaling in AWS [Duration - 2 hours]
1. High availibiliy & scalability
2. ELB overview
3. Different types of LB
4. ALB overview and Hands-on
5. ALB vs NLB
6. Connection Draining
7. Autoscaling Group (ASG) overview
MODULE 5 - Networking concepts in AWS [Duration - 2-3 hours]
1. Understand what is VPC and Subnets
2. Advance discussion on VPC and Subnets
3. Internet Gateway and Route Table
4. Private vs Public Subnets
5. Bastion host and Resources in Private subnet
6. Nat gateway vs Nat Instances
7. NACL & Security group
8. VPC Peering
9. VPC endpoint
10. VPC Flow logs
11. Direct connect & Direct Connect Gateway
12. Transit Gateway
MODULE 6 - Database/RDS in AWS [Duration - 1.5-2 hours]
1. Different types of Databases
2. What is RDS
3. Responsibilites of RDS - You vs AWS
4. Parameter group vs Option group
5. Creating RDS instance and various option (PostgreSQL DB)
6. Connecting to RDS instance from EC2 instance
7. What is Multi-AZ deployment and benefits of it
8. Amazon Aurora DB
MODULE 7 - S3 : Object Storage in AWS [Duration - 1.5-2 hours]
1. S3 overview
2. Bucket & bucket policies
3. Bucket creation - Hands-on
4. S3 versioning
5. Getting Started with S3 Storage Classes
6. Comparing S3 Storage Classes
7. S3 MFA Delete
8. S3 Access Logs
MODULE 8 - More Storage topics in AWS (EBS & EFS) [Duration - 1.5-2 hours]
1. Introduction to Storage Types - Block Storage and File Storage
2. Elastic Block Storae (EBS) overiew
3. What is Instace Storage and how it is different with EBS
4. Detach/attach EBS storage from EC2
5. Way to increase storage (EBS) for EC2
6. EBS snapshot backup & restore
7. Difference between Snapshot vs AMI Backup
8. Amazon EFS
9. EFS Hands-on
10. EFS vs EBS
MODULE 9 - Exploring Cloud Trail and Cloud Watch [Duration - 1-1.5 hours]
1. CloudTrail Overview
2. Understanding AWS Cloudwatch
3. Exploring Cloudwatch dashboard
4. Various Cloudwatch metrics
5. Configure Cloudwatch alarm
MODULE 10 - Few other important AWS Services [Duration - 1-2 hours]
1. KMS - Encryption servive
2. Elastic cache Service - Caching in AWS
3. AWS Cloudfront
4. Lambda overview
5. SNS - Notification service