I,Dr.Arunkumar Sha yoga instructor to taking Yoga class here. Here i am taking asthanga yoga and meditation.students bring Yoga matt and towel is mandatory. Free Yoga demo classes available on Saturday and Sunday.
- Yama: Moral code and principles, including non-violence, truthfulness, and non-stealing
- Niyama: Personal disciplines
- Asana: Yoga poses, or postures that help achieve mental balance
- Sitting asanas
- Standing asanas
- Prone pose asanas
- Supine pose asanas
- Forward bend asanas
- Back bend asanas
- Pranayama: Yogic breathing, or controlling and extending the breath
- Pratyahara: Withdrawing the senses to increase the power of the mind
- Dharana: Concentrating the mind on one object
- Dhyan: Meditating by focusing the mind on one point and drawing it away from external objects
- Samadhi: A state of bliss, joy, and merging the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness
Sound therapy meditation
- Hormonal balance approach
- Meditation approach
- Neuro care therapy