Module 1: Introduction to Android Development
- Overview of Android OS and Architecture
- Setting Up Android Studio and SDK
- Creating a Simple Android Project
- Understanding Manifest File and Project Structure
- Running Apps on Emulator and Real Devices
Module 2: Java Basics for Android
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Refresher
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Exception Handling
- Collections Framework
- Multithreading and Handlers
Module 3: Android UI and Layouts
- Understanding XML and View Hierarchy
- Common UI Components (TextView, EditText, Button, etc.)
- Layout Managers (LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ConstraintLayout)
- RecyclerView and ListView
- Material Design Components
Module 4: Activity and Fragment Lifecycle
- Activity Lifecycle and State Management
- Passing Data Between Activities (Intent, Bundle, Parcelable)
- Fragment Lifecycle and Communication
- Fragment Transactions and Back Stack Handling
Module 5: Event Handling and User Interaction
- Handling Button Clicks, Toast Messages
- Gesture Detection and Touch Events
- Working with Dialogs and Snackbar
- Using Menus (Options Menu, Context Menu, Popup Menu)
Module 6: Working with Data Storage
- SharedPreferences for Local Data Storage
- Internal and External Storage (Reading/Writing Files)
- SQLite Database – CRUD Operations
- Using Room Persistence Library
Module 7: Networking and Web Services
- Making HTTP Requests with OkHttp and Retrofit
- JSON Parsing with Gson
- Consuming REST APIs in Android
- Working with WebView
Module 8: Background Processing
- Services and Foreground Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- JobScheduler and WorkManager
- AlarmManager for Scheduling Tasks
Module 9: Firebase Integration
- Firebase Authentication (Google, Email, Phone)
- Firebase Realtime Database & Firestore
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push Notifications)
- Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics
Module 10: Location-Based Services and Maps
- Accessing GPS and Location Services
- Using Google Maps API
- Geofencing and Location Tracking
Module 11: Camera and Media
- Capturing Photos and Videos
- Using CameraX API
- Playing Audio and Video (MediaPlayer, ExoPlayer)
Module 12: App Deployment and Monetization
- Generating Signed APK and App Bundles
- Publishing Apps on Google Play Store
- Implementing Ads with Google AdMob
- App Performance Optimization and Security Best Practices