Topics extensively covered
Advanced Programming in C:
- Compilation & Phases of compilation
- Data types , Constants, keywords, Identifiers
- Control Statements
- Standard I/O Functions
- Arrays, Multidimensional arrays, Strings
- Debugging C programs Using gdb
- Tracing program using ctags
- Operator precedence and associativity
- Pointers, segmentation faults, Pointer Arithmetic
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Pointer to a constant Vs constant pointer
- Void pointers, Arrays and pointers, Array of pointers
- Pointer to array, Double pointers, Function pointers
- Storage classes, Qualifiers and Scope of identifiers
- Structures, Unions, Bit fields,
- File I/O
- Preprocessing, Macros, File inclusion, Conditional compilations
- Modular Programming, Performance & complexity analysis
- Linked lists, Stacks and Queues
- Sorting algorithms
- Searching Algorithms
The Course concludes with hands on project. Every class will be followed with a set of assignments.