1 on 1 Class On Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Sensory Activities, Language and Communication, Academic( Maths, EVS, English, Science), Speech, Vocational, Pre-Vocational, Behaviour.
this class is for Autism, MR, Slow learners, and Learning Disability.
In some cases, parents should assist the child in doing activities.
Materials should be kept ready before the class, the teacher would inform the parents prior.
Improvements would be shown after doing 3 months daily or thrice a week sessions.
Regular practices in the home after the class would show better results in the area of the child's academics, Behaviour, Communication, Speech, etc.
Children get interested in my session I am doing interaction in a fun manner with a PowerPoint presentation (.pptx), live activities with real objects and pictures, flashcards, different picture book
The children can learn how to tell a small story step by step using sequence cards, and live activities.
The comprehension and understanding would improve slowly.