Music theory in a nutshell Well, we all know DO RE MI FA SO LA THI DO That's the western Major scale also known as Ionian mode Let's keep it simple it starts with DO and ends...
The magnetic field is the area around a magnet in which the effect of magnetism is felt. We use the magnetic field as a tool to describe how the magnetic force is distributed in the space around and within something magnetic in nature.
Communication: The word „Communication‟ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre, meaning „to share‟. Communication is the „sharing‟ of information between two or more individuals or within...
1) 123*456 I II III 1 2 3 4 5 6 Multiply column III. Here, it's 18. Write 8 and carry over 1. Result=>__8 Cross multiply column II and III diagonally. ie 2*6 and 3*5. We get 12...