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In previous chapters, you have covered topics like motion, force and gravitation and have a clear understanding of these concepts. In this chapter, you’ll study some more important terms such as work, energy and power and how these concepts are related to each other. It is interesting to know that we all need the energy to work and for our daily activities like running, reading, writing, cycling, dancing, swimming and so on. Whether machines or living organisms, all need energy in order to survive and work. In this chapter, you’ll study the actual meaning of ‘work’ in physics, various forms of energy, the law of conservation of energy and how energy is measured commercially.
11.1 Work
11.1.1 Not much ‘work’ in spite of working hard!
11.1.2 Scientific conception of work
11.1.3 Work done by a constant force
11.2 Energy
11.2.1 Forms of energy
11.2.2 Kinetic energy
11.2.3 Potential energy
11.2.4 Potential energy of an object at a height
11.2.5 Are various energy forms interconvertible?
11.2.6 Law of conservation of energy
11.3 Rate of doing work
11.3.1 Commercial unit of energy
Section 11.1 – In this section, you’ll learn what is the scientific meaning of ‘work’ and what is the difference between the term ‘work’ used in our daily lives in comparison to the way it is used in science with the help of some examples.
Section 11.2 – In this section, you’ll study what is energy all about and different forms of energy such as kinetic energy, potential energy, heat energy, light energy, electrical and chemical energy. You’ll also come across the law of conservation of energy.
Section 11.3 – In this section, you’ll acquire knowledge about what is power and the unit of power along with some solved examples. You’ll also learn about the commercial unit of energy and use of kilowatt-hour (kW h) in our day to day lives.
In this chapter, you are provided with several diagrams, activities and examples with their solutions for a clear understanding of Work and Energy. To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 11 you should explore the exercises mentioned in this chapter. You can also download the Work and Energy Class 9 Solutions PDF, solved by our science experts.
Published on 2020-01-29 10:07:30 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-01-29 10:07:30
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