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State any two conditions essential for good health.
The twoconditions essential for good health are:
(i) An individual must have better health facilities and more professionals to deal with health problems.
(ii) All basic necessary conditions to prevent diseases must be present. For example, proper garbage collection and disposal, clearing of drains, supply of healthy drinking water, etc.
State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.
The twoconditions essential for being free of diseases are:
(i) Personal hygiene and cleanliness are necessary to stay away from diseases.
(ii) Individuals should take a balanced diet that contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, fibres, and proper quantity of water.
Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different? Why?
No. The answers to the above questions may not necessarily be the same. This is because a disease free state is not the same as being healthy. Good health is the ability of an individual to realise his or her full potential. Individuals can have poor health without having any identifiable disease. Also, health is related to society and community, whereas having a disease is about an individual sick person. Hence, the conditions for good health and for being disease free can be same or even different.
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