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In the last chapter, you studied cell – as the fundamental unit of life. In this
chapter, you’ll study tissues and their types. Tissues are a group of cells that are
similar in structure or act together to perform a particular function. Our body
follows a certain level of organisation. In single cellular organisms like an amoeba,
there is only one cell that performs all the functions. However, multi-cellular
organisms like humans have a very complex structure, where cells are grouped
together to perform efficiently such as blood, bones, muscles, etc.
These tissues group together to form organs, and organs group together to form
the organ system. It is interesting to know that plants and animals have different
types of tissues that perform specific functions. In NCERT Solutions for Class 9
Science, Chapter 6, you’ll study about these tissues found in plants and in
6.1 Are Plants and Animals Made of Same Types of Tissues?
6.2 Plant Tissues
6.2.1 Meristematic Tissue
6.2.2 Permanent Tissue
6.2.2 (i) Simple Permanent Tissue
6.2.2 (ii) Complex Permanent Tissue
6.3 Animal Tissues
6.3.1 Epithelial Tissue
6.3.2 Connective Tissue
6.3.3 Muscular Tissue
6.3.4 Nervous Tissue
Section 6.1 – In this section, you’ll study some fundamental differences between
plants and animals with respect to their growth, structural organisation, functions
performed by them and more.
Section 6.2 – In this section, you’ll learn about different types of plant tissues.
You’ll perform certain activities and come across informative diagrams like growth
of roots in onion bulbs, location of meristematic tissue in plant body, section of a
stem, guard cells and epidermal cells, protective tissues and complex tissues and
its types.
Section 6.3 – In this section you’ll acquire knowledge about different types of
animal tissues based on their functions such as epithelial tissue, connective tissue,
muscular tissue and nervous tissue. You’ll also study about the location of muscle
fibres, different types of epithelial, connective and muscular tissues and more.
In this chapter, you are provided with several diagrams, activities and examples
with their solutions for a clear understanding of Tissues. To know more about
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 6 you should explore the exercises
mentioned in this chapter. You can also download the Tissues Class 9 Solutions
PDF, solved by our science experts.
Published on 2020-01-29 10:03:43 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-01-29 10:03:43
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