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The Sound of Music is a story about the lives of the Von Trapp Family singers. This story
narrates how Evelyn Glennie, a deaf percussionist, achieved recognition and success. Moreover, how she pushed her way through all the struggles and hurdles on her path. This strength of hers paved the way for Evelyn towards success in life. Evelyn stands as a symbol of passion and commitment, and as an example for differently-abled people to strive for their dreams towards achieving them.
The Sound of Music is an inspiring story about a musician named Evelyn Glennie, who is a multi-percussionist. She mastered approximately a thousand musical instruments despite having a hearing disability. She learnt to play the instruments by listening to music with the help of her body. When Evelyn turned eleven years old, she and her family detected that she had lost her hearing ability due to nerve damage. Her doctor, who was a specialist in this field advised her to start wearing a hearing aid which would help her to listen again, and she would be sent to a school for the deaf.
On the other hand, Evelyn wanted to follow her dreams and love for music. She tried to lead a normal life of a young girl who just wanted to achieve her dreams. Even though her teacher dissuaded her, she still pursued her dreams, and her potential did not go unnoticed by Ron Forbes, who was a master of percussion. He provided Evelyn with the proper guidance, which enabled her to feel the music through her body rather than hearing it through her ears.
She learned how to overcome this massive hurdle in her life and began a career in music. Evelyn says that her success in the field of music happened because of her sheer dedication and hard work. Evelyn won “Soloist of the Year” in 1991 at The Royal Philharmonic Society. Her story was and still is an inspiration for exceptionally-challenged people. Evelyn’s story motivates the youth to follow and fulfil their dreams.
Character List
1. Evelyn Glennie – the deaf percussionist
2. Ron Forbes – the master and teacher of percussionist
3. Isabel Glennie – Evelyn’s mother
4. Specialist – Evelyn’s doctor
This article will help you learn about the summary, the list of characters and the theme of Class 9 English Chapter 2 The Sound of Music. Highly skilled English trainers meticulously solve NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 2 provided. We likewise offered Beehive Class 9 Chapter 2 PDF version for you to download. Moreover, to help students, such as you to practice test questions with detailed solutions. on 2020-02-03 09:19:30 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-03 09:19:30
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