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The NCERT Class 7 Maths, Chapter 13 deals with Exponents and Powers. In this chapter, you will learn about the concept of exponents and powers. Very large numbers like 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) are difficult to read and this problem is solved by using exponents and powers. In this chapter, you will learn about exponents and how to use them. In this chapter, you will also learn about the rules of exponents to be followed while working on exponents, These rules can be used to solve complex problems on exponents and powers. In this chapter, you will learn to represent a large number with the help of exponents.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 7, Maths Chapter 13, Exponents and Powers, let’s look at the topics and sub-topics of this chapter:
13. 1 Introduction
13.2 Exponents
13.3 Laws of Exponents
13.4 Miscellaneous Examples using Laws of Exponents
13.5 Decimal Number System
13.6 Expressing Large Numbers in the Standard form
Section 13.2 – This section deals with the concept of exponents. You will learn about base and exponent, and will also learn to represent any large number using the concepts of exponents. In this chapter, you will learn to express in exponential form and to expand the exponential form. You will learn to solve the problems on exponents and powers.
Section 13.3 – This section deals with the laws of exponents. In this section, you will learn the different laws that govern the exponents and powers. You will learn to multiply powers with the same base, divide powers with the same base, taking power of a power, multiplying powers with the same exponents, dividing powers with the same exponents and solving numbers with exponent zero. In this section, you will solve various problems on powers and exponents using these rules to find the solution.
Section 13.4 – This section deals with miscellaneous examples using the laws of exponents. In this section, you will learn to solve different types of problems on exponents and it will help you to understand the rules better by solving many problems.
NCERT Class 7 Maths, Chapter 13 helps you to understand the concept of exponents and powers. In this chapter, you will learn to represent a very large number with the help of exponents. You will learn more about the rules of powers and exponents. These rules help in solving complex problems on exponents easily. This chapter helps to build a strong foundation of exponents and powers which will be used in the subsequent classes. You will come across many practical examples regarding the distance or mass of a planet being represented with the help of exponents. This chapter makes the usage of this concept clearer. You will learn all the basic properties of exponents and powers in this chapter.
Section 13.5 – This section deals with the Decimal Number System. Besides the decimal number system, in this section, you will learn its interconnection with the exponential system of representing numbers. You will also understand the link between exponents and decimal number system.
Section 13.6 – This section deals with expressing large numbers in the standard form. In this section, you will learn about the large numbers like the distance, number of stars, the mass of the earth etc., being represented in the form of exponents. You will also learn to convert these large numbers in the standard form. You will learn the procedure to represent the decimal numbers in exponential form.
To know more about the NCERT solutions Class 7 Maths, Chapter 13 – Exponents and Powers explore the exercises below: on 2020-02-13 17:12:08 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-13 17:12:08
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