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The NCERT Class 7 Maths, Chapter 3 deals with Data Handling. This Chapter is a continuation of Data Handling dealt in the earlier classes. You have already learned about the various types of data in the earlier classes, concepts like collecting data, tabulation and presentation of data in graphical forms have also been discussed. In this chapter, you will go a step further in learning Data Handling. You can learn many more kinds of data and graphs to be used while working on Data Handling.
To know more about NCERT Class 7 Maths, Chapter 3 – Data Handling, let’s look at the topics and sub-topics of this Chapter:
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Collecting Data
3.3 Organisation of Data
3.4 Representative Values
3.5 Arithmetic Mean
3.6 Mode
3.7 Median
3.8 Use of Bar Graphs With a Different Purpose
3.9 Chance and Probability
Section 3.2 – This section deals with the collection of data. Collecting Data for further analysis is studied. You can learn the various forms of raw data available, sources of collecting data, purpose and the use of data collection.
Section 3.3 – This section deals with the organisation of data. The data collected needs to be organised to be clearly understood and for further analysis. You will learn different ways to organise the data collected and make it easier for the analysis of data. Besides, you will also learn about the preparation of tables using the collected data to bring out a clearer picture.
Section 3.4 – This section deals with representative values. The data collected needs to be represented using appropriate value. This value is called the average. It shows the concentration of data around a single value. It shows the Central Tendency of the scores to be more concentrated around the average value. The central tendency helps one to understand the overall movement of the scores within the range of the data collected. The average value is between the highest and lowest score in the data. It represents the entire data and one can derive a clearer interpretation with the help of representative values.
Section 3.5 – This section deals with the most common representative value i.e., Arithmetic Mean. You will learn about the steps to find arithmetic mean and also the practical applicability of arithmetic mean to any collected data. Arithmetic Mean shows the average value around which there is the highest concentration of the scores. This helps one to analyse the collected data and derive suitable conclusions based on averages.
NCERT Class 7 Maths, Chapter 3 is a comprehensive chapter on data handling. It deals with all the aspects of data handling and gives a complete overview of the steps involved in the collection, analysis and conclusion derivation from any kind of data. You will learn about different representative values and the significance of these values in the analysis of data. The main aim of data handling is to process the raw data and bring out useful information about the data collected. It is the process of converting data into information.
Section 3.6 – This section deals with mode. Arithmetic Mean is not the only measure of central tendency; there are different measures depending upon the type of data and the data requirements. This section deals with another measure of central tendency i.e., Mode. The Mode is a value, which has the highest frequency in the observed data. Highest frequency refers to the number of times a value is repeated. The score which is repeated most frequently is considered as Mode of the data observation.
Section 3.7 – This section deals with another measure of central tendency e.i., Median. It is a positional average, which is derived using the centre most position occupied by the score in the distribution of data collected. In this section, you will learn to arrange the data either in ascending or descending order, depending on the requirement of the problem and then finding the value that lies in the middle of the data. This value is called the Median. It divides the data into two parts.
Section 3.8 – This section deals with the use of Bar Graphs. In this, you will learn the usage of Bar Graphs to present the data. It helps you learn to present the data on Bar Graphs with high accuracy. You will learn to choose a scale according to the given data and draw a double bar Graph to present two different variables in a single graph. This will help you learn to present data on a Graph and comparing the given data to derive necessary conclusions based on the problems. You can also learn to interpret Bar Graphs after learning this section.
Section 3.9 – In this section, you will learn about the concept of chance and probability. You will also learn the chances of occurrence of scores in the given data and to find any similar pattern to forecast future results. This technique is used to estimate the outcomes of future events. Probability is the presentation of chance in a numerical value. It lies between 0 and 1. You can understand these two concepts using practical applications in situations like tossing a coin, where the outcomes might be based on chance and probability.
To know more about the NCERT solutions Class 7 Maths, Chapter 3 – Data Handling explore the exercises below: on 2020-02-13 17:04:40 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-13 17:04:40
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