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This chapter provides an environmental view of the use of water and creates awareness on the importance of water. Besides giving answers to questions such as, How much water do we use? Where do we get it from? Etc., it also explains the water cycle in detail. Class 6 Science Chapter 14 also discusses the results of excessive and scanty rainfall, water conservation and rainwater harvesting across several sections.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
14.1 How Much Water Do We Use?
14.2 Where Do We Get Water From?
14.3 Water Cycle
14.4 Back to the Oceans
14.5 What If It Rains Heavily?
14.6 What Happens If It Does Not Rain For A Long Period?
14.7 How Can We Conserve Water?
14.8 Rainwater Harvesting
Section 14.1 – This section gives the answer to the question -How much water do we use? It starts with an activity where you are supposed to list all activities for which you use water in a day, for example, cleaning, cooking, brushing, bathing, washing utensils, and most importantly drinking.
Section 14.2 – In this section, you are informed about the sources of water that you receive. The major sources of water are oceans and seas. But the water in these water bodies is salty, whereas water used by us is not salty, so how does it make sense that we get water from the oceans? The answer is the water cycle, which is described in the next section.
Section 14.3 – This section describes to you the water cycle. The continuous circulation of water from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and from the atmosphere back to the earth is called the water cycle in nature. This section explains the disappearing of water and loss of water by plants. You must have noticed that water dries up from washed clothes and from the wet ground sometime later. This is evaporation, the process of which clouds are formed. At sufficient heights, the air becomes so cool that the water vapour present in it condenses to form tiny drops of water called droplets. It is these tiny droplets that remain floating in the air and appear to us like clouds.
Section 14.4 – In this section, you will learn how water is brought back to the ocean, which happens mainly in the form of rainfall and melting of snow. This is how water circulates from the earth to become clouds and finally comes back.
Section 14.5 – This section discusses problems caused by excessive rainfall. Heavy rains may lead to a rise in the level of water in rivers, lakes and ponds. The water may then spread over large areas causing floods. The crop fields, forests, villages, and cities may get submerged by water. In our country, floods can cause extensive damage to crops, domestic animals, property and human life. The section has a scene of a flooded area that gives a visual idea of the situation.
Section 14.6 – In this section, you will learn about problems caused by very little or no rainfall for a long time period. The soil continues to lose water by evaporation and transpiration. Since it is not being brought back by rain, the soil becomes dry. The level of water in ponds and wells of the region goes down and some of them may even dry up. The groundwater may also become scarce. This may lead to drought, in which case it becomes difficult to obtain food and fodder.
Section 14.7 – This section highlights the increasing demand for water and why we should try to use it carefully and without wastage.
Section 14.8 – In this section, you study a traditional and effective method of preserving water and increasing its availability. Collecting rainwater is called rainwater harvesting. The basic idea behind rainwater harvesting is “Catch water where it falls”. The section ends with discussing two techniques of the process: Rooftop rainwater harvesting and allowing water to go into the ground directly from the roadside drains that collect rainwater.
To know more about the NCERT Solution for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water, explore the NCERT Solution for Class 6th Science Chapter 14. on 2020-02-05 10:45:06 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:45:06
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