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The NCERT Class 6 Science Sorting Materials into Groups deals with the process of classifying materials and objects based on their similarities. The chapter begins by making students aware of objects around them and observing their shapes and sizes. There is also an activity that helps students to classify the objects based on the materials they are made up of.
This chapter also throws light on the properties of materials like appearance, hardness, solubility, ability to float or sink, and transparency.
To know more about NCERT Solution for Class 6th Science Chapter 4, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
4.1 Objects around Us
4.2 Properties of Materials
Section 4.1 – This section in chapter 4 starts with explaining what objects are. Everything that we see around us is different objects with different shapes, sizes, and colours. Activities are used to help students classify the different materials used in making objects around us, for instance, wood is used to make tables and chairs, books are made from paper, containers use plastic to be made, so on and so forth. Through these activities, you will learn about several objects and how to identify the material that they are made from. Objects are also diagrammatically represented to give you a better idea.
Section 4.2 – The second section of this chapter covers the properties of the materials that are used in making objects. It starts by explaining why certain objects are made up of certain materials only, and not others. For example, liquids can be kept in containers made of plastic only, and not of cloth since they will run out. You will further learn about the appearance of materials, like metals generally appear shiny, whereas paper and wood do not shine. Through an activity, you can learn which materials have what kind of appearance.
Next comes hardness of materials. Materials that can be compressed easily by hands are known to be soft, whereas those that are difficult to compress are known as hard materials. For example, cotton is a soft material and iron is hard. The next property of materials is whether they are soluble or insoluble. If they dissolve in water, they are considered to be soluble, whereas if they do not dissolve in water, they are called insoluble materials. An activity to distinguish these two types of materials is given in the section. Next, the section talks about the ability of materials to float in water. Some materials float in water whereas some sink in it, for instance, a paper boat will float since it is light in weight and a pebble will sink due to its heavyweight. The chapter ends with discussing opaque, translucent and transparent materials.
To know more about the NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 4 Solution or NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4, explore Sorting Materials into Groups Class 6 PDF. on 2020-02-05 10:38:33 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:38:33
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