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This chapter discusses the discovery of magnets, magnetic and non-magnetic materials, properties of magnets and application of magnets. It begins with the interesting story of the discovery of a magnet- yes, if you did not know, the magnet was discovered accidentally. Further in the chapter, the north and south poles of a magnet are talked about, along with an explanation of the attractions and repulsions between magnets. Properties of magnets are taught including that of finding directions. A section in the chapter also teaches you how to make a magnet of your own. The chapter also cautions you by telling that magnets can also lose its magnetism, though it can be prevented by storing it in a proper way and taking precautions. All these things will be explained in this chapter.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 13, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
13.1 Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Materials
13.2 Poles of Magnet
13.3 Finding Directions
13.4 Make Your Own Magnet
13.5 Attraction and Repulsion between Magnets
Section 13.1 – This section informs you about how magnets were discovered. It is believed that magnets were accidentally discovered by a shepherd named Magnes one day when he took his sheep and goats for grazing to the mountains. His stick which had a small piece of iron attached to it got stuck to a rock. This is when he realised that the rock was a natural magnet which attracted the iron tip of the stick. Such rocks were hence named magnetite and magnets were named after the shepherd. The section further tells you that materials can be classified as magnetic materials which attract to a magnet and non- magnetic materials which don’t attract to a magnet, giving examples of each type.
Section 13.2 – This section has an activity using which you are taught how the iron filings stick to only the two extremes of the magnet and not the middle of it. These two ends of the magnet are called its poles. This section will also clear your concept about magnetic poles.
Section 13.3 – In this section, you will learn a major and very helpful property of magnets- they can be used to find directions. You will learn that a freely suspended bar magnet always comes to rest in a particular direction, which is the north-south direction. The end of the magnet that points towards the North is called its North-seeking end, or the North Pole of the magnet. The other end, that points towards the South, is called the South seeking end, or the South Pole of the magnet. This property of magnets has been used for centuries by travellers. It led to the invention of a device used to find directions, called the magnetic compass. A diagram of a magnetic compass is what this section of the chapter ends with.
Section 13.4 – In this section, you will learn how to make a magnet of your own. It is a small section with a fun activity to magnetise an iron needle using a bar magnet.
Section 13.5 – In this section, you will learn the concept of attraction and repulsion between magnets. Like poles of two magnets repel each other, whereas unlike poles attract each other. For instance, if you place the north poles of two different magnets together, they will repel and separate. Whereas, if you take the North Pole end of one magnet and South Pole end of another magnet, you will find that they attract each other. This is explained in the section through the example of a car. The section ends with few precautions to be taken in order to prevent magnets from losing their magnetism.
To know more about the NCERT Solution Class 6 Science Chapter Fun with Magnets explore NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Science Chapter 13. on 2020-02-05 10:44:27 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:44:27
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