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The NCERT Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric Class 6 Science deals with the process of developing cloth out of raw materials obtained from plants and animals. It introduces different types of fabrics, plant fabrics and the process of making fabric out of fibres. The chapter starts with an activity recognising different types of fabrics, which are followed by concepts such as fibres, and further natural and synthetic fibres. Later in the chapter, plant fibres such as jute and cotton are discussed, along with their extraction, cleaning and refining.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 6, Science Chapter 3 – Fibre to Fabric, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
3.1 Variety in Fabrics
3.2 Fibre
3.3 Some Plant Fibres
3.4 Spinning Cotton Yarn
3.5 Yarn to Fabric
3.6 History of Clothing Material
Section 3.1 – This section in chapter 3 explains the variety of fabrics available in shops. Through activities, you are explained how to recognise different fabrics by touching and feeling them. The fabrics mentioned and talked about are cotton, silk, wool, and synthetic. The activities mention that on pulling out loose threads from the cloth, we notice that fabrics are made by thousands of these threads, or yarns combined together. Now, this would leave a question in your mind- What are these yarns made of?
Section 3.2 – The second section of this chapter answers your question from the previous section. It explains how yarns or threads, are made from even thinner strands called fibres. So by this section, you are aware that fabrics are made up of yarns and yarns are further made up of fibres. You are still left with the question, “Where do these fibres come from?” to which the next part of the section holds the answer. It tells that the fibres of some fabrics such as cotton, jute, silk and wool are obtained from plants and animals. These fibres are called natural fibres, having been obtained from nature (plants and animals). Cotton and jute come from plants, whereas silk and wool, from animals. You will also learn about synthetic fibres in this section, which are made from chemical substances. Examples are polyester, nylon and acrylic.
Section 3.3 – This section mentions some fibres obtained from plants. Fibres like cotton and jute are discussed in detail. The section shows pictures of cotton and jute plants and also of ginning of cotton. The process of obtaining fibres from the plants are described. The section tells you that both these fibres are handpicked from the plants. Towards the end of the section, you get to know that all the fibres are first converted into yarns to make fabrics. How is it done? The next section explains that.
Section 3.4 – In this section, you will learn how to obtain cotton yarn by spinning. The section tells that the process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning. In this process, fibres from a mass of cotton are drawn out and twisted. This brings the fibres together to form a yarn. A simple device used for spinning is a hand spindle, also called the takli. Another hand-operated device used for spinning is the charkha. Photographs of the takli and charkha are also given in the section.
Section 3.5 – The next step in the process is to make fabrics from yarns. This is explained in the fifth section. This section makes you aware of the two main processes by which fabrics are made from yarns- weaving and knitting. Both processes are explained in detail and activities helping you to try these are also mentioned.
Section 3.6 – Section 6 is about the history of clothing material. It describes how people in agricultural communities used mats and baskets, animal fleece and hair and weaved them into fabrics. Since stitching was not known to people, they simply draped the fabrics around different parts of their body. The section informs how stitching fabrics came to be known with the invention of the sewing needle. Since then, there have been many variations and inventions in the stitching of cloths. The section ends with a flowchart showing the process of creation of fabric from simply the raw material from plants.
To know more about the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 or Class 6 Science Chapter 3, explore Fibre to Fabric Class 6 PDF. on 2020-02-05 10:37:58 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:37:58
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