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This chapter discusses the properties and composition of the air around us. Air exists everywhere. Yet we cannot see it; we can only feel it. The existence of air can be realised when the wind blows and objects move. The best way to feel that air exists is to take an empty water bottle, place it vertically downwards and immerse it in water. You will observe that the bottle will produce air bubbles when it is slowly positioned in a horizontal direction.
Air is made of water vapours, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, dust, and smoke. It exists in water as well, it is dissolved in water. Even the soil consists of air – there are tiny spaces in between the soil particles filled with air. Read this chapter to know more about the atmosphere, composition of air, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, smoke, windmill, etc.
To know more about NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 15, let’s look at the sub-parts of this chapter:
15.1 Is air present everywhere around us?
15.2 What is air made up of?
15.3 How Does Oxygen Become Available To Animals And Plants Living In Water And Soil?
15.4 How Is The Oxygen In The Atmosphere Replaced?
Section 15.1 – This section starts with activities to show that air occupies space. It fills all the space in the bottle. It is present everywhere around us. Air has no colour and one can see through it. It is transparent.
Section 15.2 – In this section, you get to know about some of the major components of air, water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, dust and smoke. Through activities and examples, you are explained how to observe the presence and understand the importance of each of these components.
Section 15.3 – Through two activities, this section informs you about how animals living in water and soil inhale oxygen. Air dissolved in water and also present in the soil. These activities help you to test the presence of air in water and soil. This is how animals underwater and in soil use oxygen.
Section 15.4 – In this section, you will learn how the oxygen in the atmosphere is replaced. The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is maintained through respiration in plants and animals and by the photosynthesis in plants. This shows the interdependence of plants and animals. The section ends with telling about a windmill which is used to draw water from tube wells and also to generate electricity. You will thus learn that air plays an important role in the water cycle.
To know more about the NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Science Chapter 15 explore NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 15 Exercise. on 2020-02-05 10:45:45 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-05 10:45:45
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