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In this chapter, we will learn that, Scientifically, fluids are defined as substances with no definite fixed shape or size. Their characteristics change easily when subjected to external pressure. It is imperative to have a clear understanding of fluid and fluid mechanics, especially if the student is aspiring to be a civil or mechanical engineer. Chapter 10 of the book, Physics Part-II, consists of 5 sub-sections where every section explains the various aspects of the chapter in detail.
Let us take a look at the subtopics of Class 11 Physics, Chapter 10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids.
10.1. Introduction.
10.2. Pressure.
10.2.1. Pascal’s Law
10.2.2. Variation of Pressure with Depth.
10.2.3. Atmospheric Pressure and Gauge Pressure.
10.2.4. Hydraulic Machines
10.3. Streamline flow.
10.4. Bernoulli’s Principle.
10.4.1. Speed of Efflux: Torricelli’s Law.
10.4.2. Venturi Meter.
10.4.3. Blood Flow and Heart Attack.
10.4.4. Dynamic Lift.
10.5. Viscosity.
10.5.1. Stokes’ Law.
10.6. Surface tension.
10.6.1. Surface Energy.
10.6.2. Surface Energy and Surface Tension.
10.6.3. The Angle of Contact.
10.6.4. Drops and Bubbles.
10.6.5. Capillary Rise.
10.6.6. Detergents and Surface Tension.
In Class 11 Physics, Chapter 10, you will learn:
Section 10.1: In this section, you will learn that unlike solids, fluids do not have a fixed shape or volume, therefore they take the shape of their container. Both liquids and gases fall under the category of Fluids- the primary difference being Liquids are incompressible and have a surface of their own. We shall learn in detail on this topic.
Section 10.2: In this section, you will learn that pressure may be defined as the ratio between force and area. It is an important aspect involved in the measurement of fluid properties. There is a wide range of applications and formulas derived from observing the initial and final pressures. In this topic we shall be studying about some of these applications as well as the laws governing them- as covered in the subtopics- Pascal’s Law, Archimedes’ Principle, Variation of Pressure with Depth, Atmospheric and Gauge Pressure, Hydraulic Pressure.
Section 10.3: In this section, you will learn that streamline flow refers to the study of fluids in motion (Fluid Kinematics). We shall be learning about Streamline Flow, Turbulent Flow, the Continuation of Equality in this part of the chapter.
Section 10.4: In this section, you will learn that Bernoulli’s Principle is one of the most fundamental laws regarding the study of fluids in motion. It states that the speed of a fluid is inversely proportional to the pressure head energy of the fluid. Almost every hydraulic machine can be described as a practical application of this law. The law is also essential in the understanding of blood flow and circulation. We shall be studying in-depth along with some cases of use in this topic of the chapter.
Section 10.5: In this section, you will learn that viscosity is defined as the shear force offered by a fluid resisting uniform flow. It occurs mainly due to internal friction and surface tension. We shall learn more about the laws governing the viscosity in this chapter with one of them being Stokes’ Law that provides a brief idea regarding viscous and non-viscous fluids.
Section 10.6: In this section, you will learn that surface tension refers to the tensile force acting at the surface of a liquid due to the attraction of particles on the surface. Using the formula, we can calculate the energy at the surface of the liquid in the form of shapes such as a drop, bubble, etc. This phenomenon is also used for measuring capillary rise.
At UrbanPro we provide students with Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 NCERT Solutions which are also available in pdf format – Mechanical Properties of Fluids Class 11 NCERT Solutions Pdf. on 2020-02-10 09:42:42 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-10 09:42:42
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