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This article will help you to learn about the summary, characters and themes in the short story “Albert Einstein at School”, written by Patrick Pringle. It will help you with Albert Einstein at School NCERT Solutions.
‘Albert Einstein at School’ is an excerpt from The Young Einstein, written by Patrick Pringle. In this extract, he describes the circumstances which led to Albert’s expulsion from a German school. Albert did not like the school since he had been admitted to it. He didn’t like the orthodox and traditional teaching methodology at the school. He had adjustment problems, especially with the History teacher, Mr Braun. One day he had an argument with him concerning the Franco-Prussian war. The teacher complained to the headmaster that Albert did not let him teach in the class. On the contrary, Mr Koch, Albert’s math teacher considered him a genius.
Albert was equally disappointed and unhappy with his temporary lodging. His landlady was noisy and quarrelsome. Albert wanted to go back to Milan, Italy. He discussed his problem with Yuri, his friend and asked him if he knew a doctor who could give him a medical certificate for a nervous breakdown. He wanted to use the certificate to get a long leave from the school. Yuri found him a doctor, Ernest Weil who easily issued him the certificate. Before going to the Headmaster’s office, Albert got a commendation letter from Mr Koch.
However, Albert could not use his medical certificate. As soon as he reached the school, he was called to the headmaster’s office where he was asked to leave the school on his own accord otherwise he would be expelled. When Albert asked his fault, he was charged with disturbing Mr Braun. Without much argument, Albert willingly left the school, as this is what he wanted.
Given below are some main characters in the story and their small sketch:
Einstein– As shown in the chapter, Einstein as a student was very frank and fearless. His way of thinking even at that age was quite mature and practical. He was an exceptional student and had solved not only the entire book of Mathematics but also knew very advanced level math. Einstein was quite considerate about the problems existing in society, for example, slum violence disturbed him. His heart ached to see the young boys wasting their time in useless activities such as fights. He was very much worried about his career. Albert knew the school was not doing him much good and so he wanted to get away from Munich and go to Milan for admission in a college.
Dr Weil– He was a very young doctor and a very kind human being. He agreed to help Einstein when Yuri discussed with him his problem. His goodness is visible from the fact that before issuing a certificate for a nervous breakdown, he asked Einstein what he would do after quitting school. When he was satisfied with Einstein’s reply, only then he gave him the certificate. He did not charge a single penny from Einstein for the help, which shows his kind gesture and how he did not behave greedily.
Yuri– Yuri was Einstein’s only source of comfort, help, and relief in Munich. He was his reliable friend, as he played a saviour’s role in Albert’s life when he was going through a rough patch in life. Albert was neither happy at school, nor he was comfortable at his poor lodging in a poor quarter of the city. Yuri was his only friend with whom he shared his sorrows, concerns and worries. Yuri not only comforted him and gave him hope, but he also found a doctor for him who could issue Albert a certificate for a nervous breakdown so that using it Albert could go away from the school, where he had some adjustment issues with his history teacher, Mr Braun.
The basic theme of “Albert Einstein at School” is to throw light on the modern way of providing education. Education doesn’t mean-mugging updates, it means understanding facts and gaining practical knowledge. This chapter is a perfect example of this.
For a better understanding of this chapter, refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 4. If you are looking for Class 11 English Snapshots Albert Extra Questions, check out Albert Einstein at School Class 11 Solutions. on 2020-02-12 13:24:48 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-12 13:24:48
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