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Here are some nouns from the text.
culture | monks | surprise | experience | weather | tradition |
Work with a partner and discuss which of the nouns can collocate with which of the adjectives given below. The first one has been done for you.
unique | terrible | unforgettable | serious | ancient | wide | sudden |
(i) | culture | : | unique culture, ancient culture |
(ii) | monks: | : | ______________________________________________ |
(iii) | surprise: | : | ______________________________________________ |
(iv) | experience | : | ______________________________________________ |
(v) | weather | : | ______________________________________________ |
(vi) | tradition | : | ______________________________________________ |
(i) culture : unique culture, ancient culture
(ii) monks : serious monks
(iii) surprise : unique surprise, terrible surprise, unforgettable surprise
(iv) experience : unique experience, terrible experience, unforgettable experience
(v) weather : terrible weather
(vi)tradition : unique tradition, ancient tradition
Complete the following phrases from the text. For each phrase, can you find at least one other word that would fit into the blank?
(i) tales of _______________
(ii) coastal _______________
(iii) a piece of ______________
(iv) evergreen ______________
(v) _____________ plantations
(vi) _____________bridge
(vii) wild __________________
You may add your own examples to this list.
(i) tales of valour
(ii) coastal town
(iii) a piece of heaven
(iv) evergreen rainforests
(v) coffee plantations
(vi) rope bridge
(vii) wild elephants
Other than the text
(i) tales of morality
(ii)coastal food
(iii)a piece of cake
(iv)evergreen hero
(v)crop plantations
(vi)sturdy bridge
(vii)wild beasts
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