Introduction To begin career in coding, one must start from â??Câ?? and â??C++â?? languages. It builds basic fundamentals to start programming career. C is a high-level programming language that was developed in the mid-1970s. It is procedural programming language. C++ is a superset of C. C++ has Object Oriented programming features. Once student learn C and C++ then itâ??s quite easy to learn any language. So to start career in coding one must learn C and C++. Module 1 â??Câ?? Programming Introduction To 'C' Language 1. Character set. 2. Variables and identifiers 3. Built-in data types. 4. Variable definition 5. Arithmetic operators and expressions 6. Constants and literals 7. Simple assignment statement 8. Basic input/output statement 9. Simple 'c' programs Conditional Statements And Loops 1. Decision making within a program conditions, 2. Relational operators 3. Logical connectives 4. Statements: if statement, if-else statement, switch statement 5. Loops: while loop, do-while, for loop, nested loops, infinite loops, Functions 1. Top-down approach of problem solving 2. Modular programming and functions 3. Standard library of c functions 4. Prototype of a function: parameter list, return type, function call, block structure, 5. Passing arguments to a function: call by reference, call by value 6. Recursive functions Arrays 1. One dimensional arrays: array manipulation 2. Searching, insertion, deletion of an element from an array 3. Finding the largest/smallest element in an array 4. Two dimensional arrays 5. Addition/multiplication of two matrices Pointers 1. Address operators 2. Pointer type declaration 3. Pointer assignment 4. Pointer initialization 5. Pointer arithmetic 6. Functions and pointers 7. Arrays and pointers 8. Pointer arrays Strings 1. String in C 2. C gets() & puts() 3. C string functions[strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(), strcmp(), strrev(), strlwr(), strupr(), strstr()] Structure 1. Structure 2. Array of structure 3. Nested structure File Processing 1. Concept of files 2. File opening in various modes and closing of a file reading from a file 3. Writing onto a file.