Address: Nes complex, National School Marg , Bhandup West , Mumbai - 400078
Locality: Bhandup West (Find more Bhandup West schools)
Landmark: Near Bhatti pada
Phone: +91-22-25951667, 022-259522037
English Medium
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Vighnesh 07/06/2015
Vijay 08/12/2014
Shaswati 05/10/2014
Divya Rane 18/06/2014
Sarthak Borle 04/06/2014
patnam eswar 26/05/2014
dhrumil ashar 17/05/2014
I have just completed my class 10 cbse boardbased exams. I am looking for admissions for commerce). May I know the possible combinations with commerce. And about the fee structure and other necessary details.From when the admissions are starting.
yours faithfully
thank u
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