This course is designed for all working professionals. ExcelPro is a premier training institute which targets to make the professionals understand the advanced excel functions, be the master at Excel Macros and have in-depth knowledge about excel for data analysis. This training provides in-depth knowledge about :
1) Using advanced functions for data look up and calculations {VLOOKUP(), INDEX () and MATCH(), SUMIF(), COUNTIF(), Vlookup from Multiple Table, Dynamic Vlookup, SUMPRODUCT Function}
2) Pivot charts and tables {Computations %, Sum, Average, Count/ Grouping (Clustering) / Generating multiple reports}
3) Recording and using macros,
4) Using advanced charting like Gantt chart, Pareto charts, Histograms, Treemap/ managing multiple data sources
5) Using logical functions {IF(), Nested IFs, AND(), OR() / Combo Logics; IFERROR()}
6) Applying advanced number formatting and conditional formatting
7)Data cleaning using advanced techniques {LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID(); LEN()/ TRIM(), VALUE(), SUBSTITUTE() / Concatenate/ COUNTBLANK()/ Text-to-column (Advanced application)}
8) MIS reporting and dashboard {Automatic row-wise Subtotal/ Activate-Deactivate Gridlines / Data Validation (list) / Cell-Range Naming / Grouping}
9) Super Advanced topics like Solver Add-In, Financial Formulas, OFFSET(), CHOOSE(), Array formulas, Advanced Charts (thermometer, 2 axes, combination etc.), Formula-based Conditional Formatting, Form Controls â?? ScrollBar.
10) Advanced data analytics using excel functions such as Custom sorting, advanced filtering, database functions, aggregate function.
This course uses above functions to teach practical application in marketing and financial scenarios and helps you to fast track your career.