Address: #25 Dr. Meghnad Saha Sarani , Kalighat, Kolkata - 700026
Locality: Kalighat (Find more Kalighat schools)
Landmark: Opposite Tollygunge Police Station
Phone: +91-33-24663711
English Medium
Naba Nalanda High School is providing highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers to provide education and guidance to the children and help to build their self-confidence, prepare them for their future as well as inculcate in them the basic values which are important for self development.
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Sudip Kar 09/07/2014
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Dipankar Karmakar 12/11/2013
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Arjish Gupta 09/11/2012
Arjish Gupta 09/11/2012
Supratim Hatua 13/11/2011
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