Certification: Yes, after completion of the course and an assessment exam.
This course is designed to teach you the advanced technical ins and outs of photography, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help create profitable images that help you stand out from the crowd and sell.
Course Content:
- Understand photography gear, accessories, tripods and selecting suitable tripod for camera, and other accessories
- Exposure techniques and settings, techniques of metering and exposure modes, compensation, techniques of f/stops conundrum, shutter speed
- Introduction to image sensor, megapixel, ISO setting, major controls on camera, lenses
- Depth of field, using it effectively and knowing factors
- Characteristics of lights, natural and artificial sources of light, quality and angle of light, use of reflectors
- HDR imaging, understanding the concept, controlling in images,
- Understand colour theory of lights, colour casts in images, white balance, and creativity
- Close-up and macro photography, applications of close up lens, macro lens and extension tubes
- Various Digital File formats like RAW, JPEG, TIFF, Printing resolutions
- Creative - Bokeh, panorama, light painting, multiple exposure, cityscape, time lapse photography
- Practical - Outdoor & Indoor - Advance exposure settings, optical illusions, night photography, long exposure, night landscapes, silhouettes, twilight portraits, zooming techniques, macro with extension tubes, close up lenses, portraits in soft light, umbrella, snood etc.
- Practical - Indoor - many practical studio sessions to help grasp the camera and subject
- Develop portfolio for presentation to clients
- Introduction to Digital Image Editing - Adobe Photoshop
- DSLR interchangeable lens camera is a great option for taking this course.
- DSLR camera and equipment required during this course is shared with you to help you learn.
For whom is this course?
- Anyone who has a love of photography and the creative process. If you want to go from snapshots to methodically and consistently "create" amazing photos
2. Those who want to learn the fundamentals and be prepared to move on to subject focused courses, amateur photographers wanting to improve their technical skills