This course is designed for those who wants to build their career in devops field.
This course coveres the basics of operating system(Linux) and all the essesntial tools and devops techniques which are highly recomended in the industry now a days which includes:
1.Pipline creation for automated code build and deployments over one node(server) or multiple nodes , parallerly or sequentlially , as per the need.
2.configuration management using ansible for higly optimised deployments on large scale of servers.
3.dockerization of a big application to microservices (creation of containers and make them talk to each other using Docker,Docker-compose)
4.Cluster orchestration using kubernetes (creation of pods, scaling them up and down for highly available architecture and creation of cluster for pods)
5.Monitoring of clusters using prometheous and server monitoring using nagios.
6. Implementing pipeline as a code.
7. Automating infrastructure by implementing infrastructure as a code using terraform.
8. Basics of operating system and essentials for linux .
9. shell scripting
10. Source code management using GIT repository.
11. Implementing pipeline as a code.
Every topic will be covered under hands-on lab environment and lab environments will be provided to the students for their own practices.