Data Science
- Analytics from scratch
- Complete Statistics for Machine Learning
- Complete Probability for Machine Learning
Machine Learning using Python
- Machine Learning
- Regression
- Logistic Regression
- K-Nearest Neighbours
- Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Multi Class
- C mean
- DT for Classification
- DT for Regression
- Ensemble Learning
- Random forest
- Ensemble Learning Hetrogeneous
- means
- Feature engineering
- Dimensionality reduction/PCA
- Association Rule
- Python IDE
- Python basics and string manipulation
- Data and information management with python
- Data Structures in Python Used for Data Analysis
- Data Frame Manipulation
- Visualization
Big Data and Hadoop
- Introduction to Big Data
- Hadoop Eco-system & Architecture
- HDFS Architecture
- YARN Architecture
- Hadoop Setup
- MapReduce Basics
- MapReduce Advanced
- Using Pig
- Using Hive
Apache Spark
- Basics of Apache Spark
- RDDs in Spark
Tableu Hands on
- Introduction to Tableau
- Field Types & Visual Cues
- Data Connections
- Organizing & Simplifying
- Formatting and Annotations
- Special Field Types
- Tableau-generated fields
- Calculations