This course is not a complete Java course or complete android course. This course is for someone who wants to learn basic android concepts or for aspiring android development to get their basics right.
In this course, you'll learn Android Development and get to build your own Android apps by using Java.
- Android Studio - first look
- Android UI fundamentals
- Java basics
- Android Fundamentals
- Building your first application
Course Overview:
- Android Studio - first look
- Android Studio installation
- SDK’s
- Shortcuts, Appearances
- Android Studio tools
- Debugger
- Logcat
- Android UI fundamentals
- Views and Viewgroups
- Layouts
- Creating own layouts
- Drawables
- Screen orientations
- Resolution and density independence
- Layout properties
- UI controls
- Java basics
- Introduction to Java for android
- Data types
- Loops
- Conditions
- Classes and objects
- Constructors
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Exception Handling
- Android Fundamentals
- Android file structure
- Introduction to Manifest file
- Gradle
- Android Architecture
- Activity lifecycle
- Fragment lifecycle
- Creating a splash screen
- Hello world example
- Intents
- Shared Preferences
- Events
- Dialogs and pop ups
- Toast and snackbar
- Building your first application - This can be any application / project of the student or any idea
- Creating the splash screen
- Creating the UI elements
- Adding events to UI
- Taking data to next screens
- Debugging the application
- Building apk
- Launching to play store - Demo
Who should attend the course:
This course is intended for students/employees who want to start their career into Android Application Development.
Who this course is for:
- People who want to learn android development
- People who want to learn basic concepts of Android
- People who want to learn java basics in Android
You will require a laptop for this course.