Calligraphy course is designed acc to requirement. It is designed for professional and students as per their need. Calligraphy is an art of writing alphabets, numbers, words in many styles using calligraphy pens in a beautiful and an impressive way. Calligraphy is used to make beautiful lettering art in school projects, greeting cards, birthday cards, invitations cards. Learn beautiful styles of writing - impress others with your new calligraphy skill. Improvement in your creativity and imaginative skills. In ancient days before the invent of printing technology people used to communicate through sign language or through oral. Once, the spoken languages were well developed along with written scripts such as greek, italic, latin, roman etc. human beings started communicating through the medium of writing. In those ancient years, unlike todayâ??s usage of pens consisting of different varieties of inks based upon chemical components, in those days the inks were baaed upon pigments extracted from flowers, leaves, stems etc. they used sharp tools as an instrument of writing and leaves and other materials as papers. Thereafter, as a substitute they used feathers of the birds wiz. Quills to write by dipping it with color liquids extracted from flowers, leaves and tree stems. One should try unique skills.