Address: 3rd Stage, 4th Main, 11th Cross, , Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore - 560097
Locality: Vidyaranyapura (Find more Vidyaranyapura schools)
Phone: 080-65348764 /080- 23641565
English Medium
MES has grown with its ideal of spreading academic culture in several ways. Its aim has always been to provide value based education at affordable cost and to strive for the cultural growth of the student.
School timings: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Principal: MS Shikha Roy Choudhary
Admission Details:
Admissions for Nursery starts from April 2011
For Higher Grades Requestion forms are to be dropped in the drop box in the month of Jan 2011.
And from May based on availability the admissions will start for LKG-IX.
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Manjunath 23/09/2015
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Rohit GK 04/04/2014
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SRINIVAS.D.G. 28/01/2014
sumathi 02/01/2014
ML.Arvind Kumar 13/09/2013
maillot espagne coupe du monde 2010 pas cher 01/08/2013
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