Economics underwent dramatic changes in 1920's & 1930's. Economics became more analytical & quantitative with the advent of Micro & Macroeconomics, with well developed theoretical constructs. Be it perfect competition or isoquants analysis or production functions from simple two variables to multiple variables involving the introduction of day/dx, dy2/dx2, partial variables of 1st order to 4th order and so on. With multi-variables linear as in linear programming, non linear programming, simplex method, to multivariate analyses, advanced techniques like CPM or queuing theory as well as sociometric techniques like sensitivity to simulation techniques, applied to human individual or group behaviour, which is interpersonal as well as intrapersonal behaviour, which requires individual dovetailed standard techniques collection of data, repeat observation, and deep reflection after participant observation approach .In Economics, there is no blind rule of thumb approach or established theory. Each observed unit in Applied Economics needs strong datum support to revise or support a new idea or theory. Economics variables are behavioral & therefore the challenge for any serious economic practitioner, be it a firm, industry or even a government of a country.
§ Give your undivided attention for 2 hours each day for clearing the UGC NET Exam.
§ Practicing the sample question papers is the key to success.
§ It helps building confidence...
Advance Tax Liability for the A.Y. 2018-19:
The Finance Act 2017 (Act No. 07 of 2017) has not bring any change in Advance Tax provisions. Therefore the Advance Tax provisions related to A.Y. 2017-18...
Goods and Service Tax (GST) as the name suggest is a one single tax on the supply of goods and services, right from the Manufacturing to the ultimate delivery to customer. Credits of input tax paid at...
Q: What is Tax ?
Ans : It is an Amount which is payable by a person to the government so that govt can meet out of its certain expenses for which directly there are no charges.
For Example: Defense,...
In Any sector or domain every one must upgrade their education academically or professioally. Since so many times our Woring Knowledge is good but academicically we are week at this front.
For Excel...