Theory:Measurement is very important in our daily life. It help us to find the size or amount of something.An amount of something is how much of it is there.For example,Bakers have to measure different amount of their ingredients to make their cake yummy.If we didn’t have measurement,it would be difficult to know how long is our Pencil,length of our classroom ,Length of blackboard etc .Any item that can be used to measure something is a non standard unit e.g.Paper Clips,Handspan,Paces,Footspans,armspan.We use these units to measure length .Lets have a look at each unit
- Arm Span is the measurement of the length from one end of an individual arm to the other when raised equally
- Handspan is the measurement of length between the tip of the little finger and tip of the thumb when the hand is outstretched
- Pace is Individual’s Step Length or is equal to one natural step.
Footspan is the measurement of length from the tip of the longest toe to the end of the ankle.