Office Administration Certification Course - Live Online
We are now dedicated to serving you with the best Online Training in Office Administration. According to corporate needs that ultimately results in providing secure placements.
o whether you want a job as an Administrative Assistant performing all the vital office functions or as an Office Manager running the whole show, or anything in-between, even working from home, this program in Office Administration will start you on the road to a great job in business. Companies require you to have some Certification and finding time to fit that in can be especially difficult.
Topics in Office Administration Training
E-Mails Writing Tips
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Outlook
Successful Meeting Minutes
Appointment Booking And Arranging Interviews
Customer Service And Telephone Handling Skills
Organising A Meeting
Data Management, Record Keeping And Filing
Event Planning
Arrange Business Travel & Accommodation
Grooming Standards
Handling Telephone Calls
Liasoning With Government Offices