Address: #122 AJC Bose Road , Entally, Kolkata - 700014
Locality: Entally (Find more Entally schools)
Phone: +91-33-22463845 +91-33-22270229
English Medium
Ours is a school with 1500 female students of which 721 are so poor that every need has to be taken care of - food, medicines, rations, shoes, books, uniforms, even money to meet the rent which eviction threatens. In many instances we have also helped families set up a small scale business, by providing interest-free loans in order to become self supporting. Sometimes we have reached out to the family as a whole, be it a drug addict father, or an errant sibling or an ailing member. OUR DOORS ARE ALWAYS OPEN.
School timings: 8 a.m to 2 p.m
Principal: S. M. Cyril
Year Established: 1947
Extra-curricular Activities:
* Public speaking
* Art
* Dance
* Sports
1. Library
2. Science Lab
3.Outdoor, Indoor, Surgical unit
4. X – ray dept
5. Prosthetic and Orthopedic unit
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Upload it now!I am a student of this school and i study in class 6. this is a scool for everyone sister cyril was a great person but our new sister named sister egora is also very sweet. Every kind of activity is held over here. GATES ARE OPEN FOR ALL KIND OF PEOPLE
I am a student of this school and i study in class 6. this is a scool for everyone sister cyril was a great person but our new sister named sister egora is also very sweet. Every kind of activity is held over here. GATES ARE OPEN FOR ALL KIND OF PEOPLE
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