Address: Shivaji Park, Babarpur Road, Shahdara, Delhi, Delhi - 100032
Locality: Shahdara (Find more Shahdara schools)
Phone: 011-22581328, 22592408
English Medium
Year Established: 1900
Admission Details:
On the basis of Oral Test (Nursery) /
On the basis of Written Test (Rest Classes) in the month of December
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Mohd 06/04/2015
Mohd 06/04/2015
Mohd 06/04/2015
Manoj 25/11/2014
I would like kind inform you that my son is want doing education in your school in 6th class, so kindly tell me the date of issuing of admission forms .What is the monthly tut ion fees & total charge for admission.
I would very appreciable for your kind and positive reply.
Manoj Sharma
Manish 01/10/2014
Sanjeev Tyagi 30/03/2014
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