Jayanthi Aparna is a dedicated HR professional with a deep passion for career counseling and soft skills training. A graduate of the prestigious Symbiosis...
As a student counselor, my experience with the studnets was transformative and creative. Before my counselling sections, the students used to be overwhelmed...
Have been helping people come out of their personal problems and resolve the issues amicably. Also, have been helping students choose the right career...
Do you need help in finding the best teacher matching your requirements?
Post your requirement nowI am Amritansh Tiwari career expert at Times and Trends Academy Deccan Punr where I help all the teenagers and youth to bring out their creativity...
I possess in depth and first hand ground level understanding about various segments of the industry, corporate leadership and customer behavior has...
I am a certified Career Counselor and I have been actively part of many career counseling projects and in partnership with I dream career.
"I am a teacher with 2-3 years of experience teaching primary students. I provided home tuition while continuing my education. I am currently pursuing...
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Study like there's no tomorrow. Because if you keep...
Total Exp - 13 Years With a strong background in Human Resources ( 11 years) , specifically in Recruitment and Operations, I am dedicated to empowering...
Registered in Dubai, USA & India, Samyak Computer Classes is the best place to take Practical Training. The faculties in Samyak Computer Classes are...
Shyam attended Career Counselling
"Career Shapers is Leading institute in Delhi NCR. They are providing excellent classes..."
Chinky attended Career Counselling
"best career guidance ever given to me...thanks a lot sir "
Akash Purohit attended Career Counselling
"It is the best consultancy I have found in Mumbai because they give you the best..."
Akash Purohit attended Career Counselling
"It is the best consultancy I have found in Mumbai because they give you the best..."
Ms. Nancy attended Career Counselling
"I am immensely pleased with my association with SRM InfoTech -- which has not only..."
Harneet Kaur attended Career Counselling
"It has been an honor for me to be part of the SRM InfoTech team and help their expansion..."
Sardhar Rakesh attended Career Counselling
"Professionalism and cutting-edge training programs have helped SRM InfoTech to establish..."
Deepak Pokhoria attended Career Counselling
"SRM InfoTech has brought a sense of purpose and professionalism in the way software..."
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