Different jurists gave different opinions regarding nature and meaning of law. These different views are known as Schools of Jurisprudence.
1)Sociological school:
The main object of this school is to study the effect of law and society on each other. Different jurists gave different opinons regarding application of sociological school.
According to him, the purpose of law is to protect the interest of the society and therefore social interwst of the society must gain priority over individual interest.
He gave principle of SOCIAL SOLIDARITY. Interdependence of man is the essence of society.
Roscoe Pound:
Roscoe Pound is the father of sociological school. He gave theory of social engineering. Its main task is to accelerate the process of social of social ordering by avoiding conflicts of individual interest in the society. He defined interest as claims or wants or desires. It means to satisfy MAXIMUM WANTS WITH MINIMUM FRICTION.