Address: 79 Pallavaram Road, , Kolapakkam, Chennai - 602101
Locality: Pallavaram (Find more Pallavaram schools)
Phone: 044-23820584 09940128921
English Medium
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Upload it now!its 1 of wonderful school which i hv studied.the teachers are so caring.overall its 1 of the of best school
- by xyz on Apr 08, 2013This school is near Porur and Manapakam behind the airport. Its not in Pallawaram. Its a top level and low cost for IGCSE (Gambridge syllabus.) Residential school also. Run by a spiritual trust not having any publicity. They say our students shining every where they go.
hello sir,
iam Nithyasethupathi from avadi,chennai...i need the admission to my twins childrens for 3rd if any openings , kindly inform us..thank you
hello sir actually i tried to contact you in phone but its in out of order please contact me....regarding admission for 2017
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