PHP is a scripting language that is embedded in HTML. Much of its syntax has been borrowed from Perl, Java, and C with some exclusive PHP-specific features. The primary aim of this language is to allow the web developers to write down dynamically generated pages in a short period of time. Join the leading PHP training institute in Kolkata.
- An introduction to the basics of open source and PHP HTML.
- Fundamentals of programming concepts, variables, conditions, printing, arrays, and loops.
- Sorting, Functions, and also Dynamic Variable.
- Database â?? MySQL, SQL Queries by using MySQL along with PHP.
- Sessions system of login and logout.
- Basics of java script and file uploading.
- CSS and creation of CSS based templates.
- RSS, XML, and File Handling.
- LightBox, HighSlide, Ajax, Javascript Advanced.
- Mini projects to practice using core PHP concepts.
- Coding Standards, Photoshop, Browser testing, and Project Structures.
- Shopping Cart- Terminal, as well as Frontend (MySQL and PHP)
- Shopping Cart-Frontend and Backend.
- Paypal and Payment Gateways and ckEditor.
- Cookies, Adsense, SEO, Analytics.
- Search, Database Optimization, Joining, Smarty (Template Engine).
- Exception Handling and Classes & Objects.
- Gallery, ODBC, Flash Audio and Video Players, and version Control.
- FTP, Notepad++, Security and Hackin Safeguards.
- OSCommerce and also other carts on SourceForge.
- Admin and design customization in WordPress.
- Plugins and JQuery in WordPress.
- Admin, extension, and also design customization in Joomla.
- Making resume that are PHP specific.
- Live project
- Fundamentals of Magneto, framework of Yii along with project, MySQli, and PDO.
- Laravel Framework, CURL. PHP5, SOAP, and internationalization.