This course is for students who want to have solid understanding on NoSQL database technology using MongoDB which is world's most popular open source NoSQL document oriented database management system. In this course, students would learn as to how NoSQL databases are different from RDBMS databases, and why the world needs another database technology. They will also learn essential mongoDB administrative skills like MongoDB architecture, managing and maintaining mongoDB cluster, creating mongoDB cluster, replication , sharding, data indexes, query language and CRUD, aggregation, backup and recovery, performance tuning , troubleshooting, mongoDB security etc. After finishing these course, students would have essential admin skills, tools and techniques needed to work within this cross-platform, document-oriented database system. They can also start using Mongo in their existing projects or can apply for jobs for the role of mongoDb admin.
Training related infrastructure would be provided by us. Students are just required to carry a notebook and pen.