- This Course is meant for BTech Students as well as for the students doing any Computer Course and who are preparing for Placement.
- Course Detail: Structure, pointer, pointer to pointer, function .
- Concept of Linked List( single, Double, circular). Algorithm and programme in detail including creation, searching, reversing , addition and removal of nodes , polynomial expression and manipulation algorithm.
- Queue( using array and linked list). Circular Queue, Double Ended Queue. Detail with algorithm and programme.
- Stack( using array and linked list). Postfix and Prefix , example operations.
- Tree( post, in , pre) . Creation, manipulation, BTree,AVL tree,Red Black tree, BST etc.
- Bubble , quick, heap, merge,Radix, Shell, selection, insertion sort.
- Concept of Time Complexity .Big Oh Notation, example to find Complexity using Masters Theorem.