Have heard many students and guardians looking for a definite answer, How do I start my career as an IT Professional. In today's competitive world, where the engineering colleges are failing to generate job ready professionals, and lack of proper guidance really keeps students getting confused where to go and what to do. Let me simply answer this.
There is light at end of every tunnel if you know the way. You must know every company nowadays looks for trained professionals, to lower their training investment costs. So how can you easily start your IT Career. There are huge vacancies and will stay in the field of web development and design. The number of companies are gradually increasing with the boom of digitalisation in India.
Now, they are in regular need of trained grads like you. So, what is web development. Web development is nothing, but simply a task you do for your clients using programming languages like PHP, MYSQL, JSP, CSS, HTML etc. I will strategically train you so that you can be called a job ready trained professional in 3 months. Below is a summary of how I will train you, rather mentor you.
> HTML, CSS - 6 Sessions + project
> PHP, AJAX - 20 Sessions + Project
> SQL - 10 sessions + Project
> WordPress - 5 sessions + Project
Once, you are done with the above 4, we will start with a live project.