Course Objective :
The objective of this class is to expose the students, IT aspirants to get the thorough concept of Object Oriented Programing
using C++ and to increase the depth of their knowledge about several implementation issues. Thorough C++ Programming knowledge will be
useful to in the students or JOB aspirants to find a job IT organizations as developers or Programmers because it will enable them to code efficiently,
communicate effectively with their software development team and understand and improve software development practices in their organizations.
Syllabus of the C++ Programming course :
C++ Overview:
- C++ CharacteristicsÂ
- Object-Oriented TerminologyÂ
- PolymorphismÂ
- Object-Oriented ParadigmÂ
- Abstract Data TypesÂ
- I/O ServicesÂ
- Standard Template LibraryÂ
Standards Compliance :
- Functions and Variables
- Functions: Declaration and DefinitionÂ
- Variables: Definition, Declaration, and ScopeÂ
- Variables: Dynamic Creation and Derived DataÂ
- Arrays and Strings in C++Â
- Qualifiers
Classes in C++:
- Defining Classes in C++Â
- Classes and EncapsulationÂ
- Member FunctionsÂ
- Instantiating and Using ClassesÂ
- Using ConstructorsÂ
- Multiple Constructors and Initialization ListsÂ
- Using Destructors to Destroy InstancesÂ
- FriendshipÂ
Operator Overloading :
- Operator OverloadingÂ
- Working with Overloaded Operator MethodsÂ
Initialization and Assignment :
- Initialization vs. AssignmentÂ
- The Copy ConstructorÂ
- Assigning ValuesÂ
- Specialized Constructors and MethodsÂ
- Constant and Static Class MembersÂ
Storage Management :
- Memory AllocationÂ
- Dynamic Allocation: new and deleteÂ
Inheritance :
- Overview of InheritanceÂ
- Defining Base and Derived ClassesÂ
- Constructor and Destructor CallsÂ
Polymorphism :
Overview of PolymorphismÂ
Input and Output in C++ Programs :
- Standard StreamsÂ
- ManipulatorsÂ
- Unformatted Input and OutputÂ
- File Input and OutputÂ
Exceptions :
- ExceptionsÂ
- Inheritance and ExceptionsÂ
- Exception HierarchiesÂ
- Inside an Exception HandlerÂ
- Template OverviewÂ
- Customizing a Templated MethodÂ
- Standard Template Library